Having a passion in research and teaching, I am currently pursuing my PhD at Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany. I am a member of a research group called GK-EIC (Group Kollege - Economics of Innovative Change). My research interest is disruptive technology, competing technologies and competitive diffusion, and innovation management. For my PhD research, I am financially supported by DAAD.
I am affiliated with School of Business and Management, Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia. Before my PhD study, I got more than 10 years of professional experiences mainly in R&D and innovation management field in Indonesia, Japan and the Netherlands.
14th Globelics Conference 2016
Innovation, creativity and development:
strategies for inclusiveness and sustainability
October 12 - 14, 2016
Bandung, ID
I am investigating the mechanism of disruption in the presence of network effect. Disruptive technology (innovation) was pioneered by Christensen (1997) and since has a profound effect on scholars and managers in approaching technology competition. However, recent empirical evidences showed that this disruption might be exaggerated (Sood and Tellis, 2010, Vaishnav, 2008). On the other hand, Arthur (1989) in his influential work on increasing returns to adoption showed how significant network effect in determining the outcome of competing technologies. Since many modern technologies are characterized by network effect, I am motivated to formalize the influence of network effect on disruption dynamics. I hope to be able to contribute both to disruptive technology literature as well as increasing returns to adoption literature.
Not only in the global network, but I am also interested in investigating the diffusion of technology in local network where only closest 'neighbours' matter for consumers' technology adoption decision.
Agent-based modeling and simulation will be employed to to describe the dynamics of technology competition in a market where consumers' network structure is taken into account.
Technology acceptance model is widely used in explaining the user acceptance of technology mainly in information system (King and He, 2006; Chuttur, 2009). While some modern technologies is understood to be disruptive, they also exhibit increasing return to adoption properties or network effect (Keller and Hüsig, 2009; Vaishnav, 2010). However, how these disruptiveness and network effect characteristics influence the acceptance of the technology is still missing in the literature. Therefore, this empirical research tries to shed a light on how technology disruptiveness and network effect play a role in the acceptance of certain technology.
How disruptiveness and network effect influence perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use as the main determinants of behavioral intention to use the technology is expected to be revealed from this study. To understand the difference between developing and developed country context, we would like to conduct surveys by distributing questionnaire to university students in Indonesia and Germany, employ the regression and compare the results.